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Time to Come out of Hibernation

Time to Come out of Hibernation   Did the holidays or winter weather interfere with your normal workout routine? It happens to the best of us, but now that the weather is warming up it is the perfect time to get your exercise routine back on track. Bouncing back might... Read more
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Benefits of Weight Training for Women

Benefits of Weight Training for Women Many women feel that weight training is not a good idea for them, however that is not the case. “There is often the misconception that weights are not meant for women, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Weight training will have as... Read more
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Get Your Ducks in a Row

Having your ducks in a row, or being well organized, becomes more important as the number of tasks you have to perform increases.  We all have very busy schedules these days.  It seems like we are never going to have time for everything we need to do no matter how... Read more
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What’s for Dinner? Thanksgiving Edition

Thanksgiving will be here soon!  As you are planning your feast, keep in mind that you can have a great meal and still make some healthy choices.  Little changes throughout your menu can make a big difference in your overall calorie consumption, and your guests won’t even notice. See below... Read more
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Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes

So, you want a great Thanksgiving meal, but would like to stay on track with your healthy eating plan?  Is that possible?  Yes, it is possible thanks to some great recipe substitutions.  Eating Well has some great ideas to make over your Thanksgiving meal.  Check out their suggestions, maybe make... Read more
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Trick or Treat: Tips for Surviving Halloween

While all holidays can be fraught with diet pitfalls, Halloween is especially dangerous.  Treats are everywhere and people are just passing it out – FOR FREE!  Here are a few tips to help you survive the holiday while staying on track: Pass out healthier treats instead of candy. If you... Read more
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Halloween Candy You Can Live With

If you plan on having a treat on Halloween make sure you choose wisely.  Those tiny little snack size candies can be deceptively high in calories and it is so easy to eat more than just a few.  Be sure you read the labels and make wise choices.  Here are... Read more
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Low Glycemic Fruit

Healthy diets should include fruit and veggies; however, paying attention to the amount of sugar in fruit is always a good idea.  Some fruits have a higher glycemic index than others.  Foods with a high glycemic index will cause an increase in blood sugar while those with a lower glycemic... Read more
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An Apple a Day

Can it really help keep a doctor away? Well yes maybe it can! Apples have health benefits that have been proven over the course of time and are very likely to help keep you healthier. One little catch though, you have to eat the peel to reap all the benefits.... Read more