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Cardio on the Road

Cardio is important to your overall health and to the success of your plans to reach your goals.  Doing cardio at NexGen is a wonderful way to get in some steps; but there are lots of ways to get cardio when you are on the road for work or simply... Read more
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Low Glycemic Fruit

Healthy diets should include fruit and veggies; however, paying attention to the amount of sugar in fruit is always a good idea.  Some fruits have a higher glycemic index than others.  Foods with a high glycemic index will cause an increase in blood sugar while those with a lower glycemic... Read more
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Introducing NexGen INSPIRE™

We would like to introduce NexGen Fitness INSPIRE™, our latest mobile app. NexGen INSPIRE™ was born out of the understanding that our level of exertion can affect our results, and that higher is not always better. Being able to track your heart rate, your calories burned, and your target fat burning zones... Read more