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Importance of a Positive Mindset

Importance of a Positive Mindset What sets apart someone who accomplishes great things and someone that fails to realize what they are capable of? You might guess intelligence, taking risk, or creativity. Science proves otherwise. Mindset can impact everything in your life from work to relationships, and even your performance... Read more
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Keeping Active While on the Road

Keeping Active While on the Road Summer is here and folks are finally getting back out on the road after a long time of confinement. It is important that we don’t allow ourselves to slip back into bad habits of inactivity while on vacation. “Getting exercise in while on the... Read more
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Time to Come out of Hibernation

Time to Come out of Hibernation   Did the holidays or winter weather interfere with your normal workout routine? It happens to the best of us, but now that the weather is warming up it is the perfect time to get your exercise routine back on track. Bouncing back might... Read more
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5 Ways of Making Exercise a Priority

5 Ways of Making Exercise a Priority It seems that every year gets busier and busier. Sometimes it seems like there are not enough hours in a day. We have spent years trying to cram more activity into our daily routines, but now is the time to prioritize what is... Read more
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Christmas Calorie Burn

Although we all love the holiday season, it can be hectic and trying at times.  We seem to have so much to do, so many places to go and so many people to see that we can forget to take time for ourselves.  Making time to work with your personal... Read more
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Rewarding Rewards

Setting small goals for yourself on the path to your final goal is a great way to help keep your motivation.  When you reach a goal, you need a reward.  Planning for your reward can be an additional motivator.  When your goals relate to weight loss, however, it is important... Read more