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Personal Trainer Recommends | Full Body vs Splits

Starting Out: Full Body vs. Split Routines We want to start off by making it very clear that we are not against either style of training. Both styles have their pros and cons, and both can have incredible effects on your appearance, strength and endurance. That being said we wanted... Read more
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Personal Trainer Speaks on Time Conflict Resolution

No time? Up the Intensity! So many people who are struggling with their fitness and health have the misconception that it requires hours of exercise each day to produce the results they desire. With schedules that certainly don’t allow any of us to have marathon style workouts each day, it’s... Read more
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Personal Trainer Explains I The Burpee

THE BURPEE This month, we wanted to pay homage to one of the best exercises in a trainer’s arsenal for getting a client’s heart rate up, taxing their entire body, and making sure they will never think the workout was easy. Anyone who has ever done a burpee (also sometimes... Read more
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Client of the Month – Personal trainer

This month we want to spotlight an incredible client whose results have proven that when you decide to make a change and make fitness a priority the sky’s the limit! With that we would like to congratulate Jessica A. as this month’s Client-of-the-Month! Ask any of the trainers and they’ll... Read more
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Women Should Lift Weight to Lose Weight

Ever look at your favorite female celebrity and think you’d kill for a body like that? Would it shock you to know that the women you envy didn’t obtain their bodies by simply running or hitting the stair climber?The sad truth is that many women who are trying to get... Read more
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Frisco personal trainer discusses Creatine

Most workout enthusiasts have heard of or even thought of using a supplement to boost their workout performance, and creatine may be considered the Granddaddy of them all. It’s included in many, if not all, pre-workout supplements, many types of protein powders and of course it’s also available solo as... Read more
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Flax Seed | Personal trainer discussion

Many people understand the benefits of having a diet rich in Omega-3’s, but many believe the only way to do this is through consumption of fish, fish oil, or Omega-3 enhanced dietary products. However, there are several great plant based sources that can offer the same benefits, sans the fish... Read more