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Personal Trainers Share | Supplement of the Month

ZMA What if there was a way you could improve your sleep, gain muscle, bolster your immune system and boost your energy all by simply taking a few little pills? No, not anything illegal! What we’re referring to is an over the counter supplement known as ZMA. ZMA is a... Read more
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Personal Trainer Recommends | Full Body vs Splits

Starting Out: Full Body vs. Split Routines We want to start off by making it very clear that we are not against either style of training. Both styles have their pros and cons, and both can have incredible effects on your appearance, strength and endurance. That being said we wanted... Read more
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Personal Trainer Talks | A Supplement for Improving Mood

St John’s Wort If you’re like many others here in Texas, this crazy up and down weather the past few weeks has probably wreaked havoc on your energy and mood. We all know that during the winter months many individuals suffer from SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is typically... Read more
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Personal Trainer Discusses | Supplement of the Month

Beta Alanine Looking for another way to help improve your time in the gym? Why not give beta-alanine a try? This amino acid has been studied for its apparent effects of fighting fatigue in the muscles during exercise. It helps the body increase Carnosine, which helps to prohibit lactic acid... Read more
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Elite Personal Trainer Discusses | Stretching

Stretching: Before or After your Workout? There seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding this question. There also seems to be a lot of opinion being stated as fact. So what is the answer? Most will agree that stretching is a vital part of any fitness regimen and that... Read more
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Personal Trainer Discusses | Supplement of the Month

RHODIOLA (RHODIOLA ROSEA) Don’t worry if you spent the last few minutes trying to figure out how to pronounce the name of this awesome supplement, because luckily it goes by other names as well. You may find it as Golden Root or Artic Root at your local supplement shop. This... Read more
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Personal Trainer | Spotting a Fitness Gimmick

Be Leary of Fitness Gimmicks So this is that time of year when people set out to make changes and better their lives. Many of these changes revolve around getting in better shape, eating better, and weight loss in general. The problem is that when we begin our search it... Read more