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Expert Personal Trainers Highlight | Guarana

In our endless search for that extra bit of energy, many have found that they may need a little bit more than a regular cup of coffee to feel the boost that should come with the added caffeine. Enter Guarana, a supplement made from the crushed seeds of P. cupana... Read more
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Expert Trainers Weigh In | Is Low The Way To Go?

While many fitness professionals may disagree on what type of workouts are most effective, from HIIT to cross training to traditional bodybuilding, one thing they do agree on is that if the nutrition aspect of the plan is not dialed in, you will not have the success you are searching... Read more
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Expert Personal Trainers Discuss | Fitness Fads

Infomercial. One word that causes most people to cringe. They take over our favorite TV channels late at night and on the weekends in an effort to try and sell us something they think is new and exciting. However, any of us that have fallen victim to the hype and... Read more
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Top Rated Personal Trainer Spotlights | HMB

HMB As we all know, losing weight the right way involves the right balance of exercise and nutrition. The problem that many do not realize is that when we restrict calories to lose weight our body will unfortunately target muscle along with fat to create the energy we need. This... Read more
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Personal Trainers Explain | Why Music Matters

Why Music Makes all the Difference Have you ever gone running with no headphones, or tried to workout in a quiet gym? How’d you do? Did you make it through the entire workout or did you find yourself feeling a bit off and lackadaisical? For many the latter would have... Read more
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Personal Trainer | Spotting a Fitness Gimmick

Be Leary of Fitness Gimmicks So this is that time of year when people set out to make changes and better their lives. Many of these changes revolve around getting in better shape, eating better, and weight loss in general. The problem is that when we begin our search it... Read more
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Personal Trainer Speaks on Time Conflict Resolution

No time? Up the Intensity! So many people who are struggling with their fitness and health have the misconception that it requires hours of exercise each day to produce the results they desire. With schedules that certainly don’t allow any of us to have marathon style workouts each day, it’s... Read more
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Peronal Trainer I Mental Preperation

Mental Preparation Let’s face it; working out on a consistent basis can be tough. You have to make time within your already hectic life for you to better yourself and your health. Stresses can make it feel like it’s worthless, schedule constraints can leave you with less time than you... Read more